Friday, May 15, 2009

"Dress Shoes"

Dress shoes
Blest shoes
Smile at me
Sole plopping down
With each clippety clop step
The soul's merriment Exposed
When standing
Then nobody knows about my "soul"
And where it's traveled to
What puddles
My feet have muddled through...


  1. The usage of "soul" and "sole" as well as the rhymes make "Dress Shoes" very interesting to both listen to and read. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Lovely poem! Really like the imagery of the feet muddling through the puddles as well as the rhyme throughout the poem. Nice use of onomatopoeia (clippety clop, plopping); alliteration of the "cl" sound; personification of the shoes "smiling"; assonance created with the "eh" sound in step, exposed, except, and when; and of course theres is the play/double speak of "soul" and "sole." The poem reminds me of my own childhood days and playing in the rain with my own shoes. Again, well done!

  3. This fucking slaps! Great job, Im very proud
